Assista até o fim. É divertido, instrutivo e cria uma maior conscientização. Depois, compartilhe!
Veja que trabalho de animação bem feito:
Querido Mestre, comparto con usted un video cortito que creo que le puede gustar. Un abrazote y que tenga un lindo Fin de semana. Cariños infinitos! ♥♪
Enviado por John Crisenhall:
Mestre querido,
Espero que BCN esteja sendo uma experiencia agradavel e que tudo corra pelo seu melhor ai! De, precisava que tu me ajudasses a expor essa barbarie que fazem no Sri Lanka. Precisamos que os colegas enviem um email para este endereco: [email protected] Com alguma coisa que as pessoas queiram dizer para parar esta agressao a natureza. Se quiserem utilizar, aqui tem um modelo de email. ————————————————————————————— Ven. Galaboda Gnanissara Thero, Reverend Sir, INTRODUCTION If chains must be used that it should be onlyone leg, and that it should be loose enough to fall to her ankle and not bite into her skin. She must haveadequate space, freedom of movement, adequate nutrition, copious amounts of water and the constantcompany of a kind human keeper for her needs to be met. I ask also that her cuts and abrasions be medically treated so as to recover from infection. It is profoundly disturbing to witness that the calf is living in wholly inadequate and deprived conditions.Not even the most basic requirements for husbandry are being met. You have the power to change this.The attached pictures are clear evidence of extreme cruelty and confirm that the baby is in severeemotional distress. She displays stereotypical signs of stress, boredom, and frustration. A video of theelephant that I have seen shows that she is constantly rocking and swaying. She is repeatedly pullingagainst her chains. She displays what is known as “cow eye” (or the huge wide open eye) and is seenbiting her trunk. All behaviours documented as „sterotypic‟ behaviour and only seen in elephants who are experiencing mental and emotional neurosis caused by inadequate care.She is living in an inadequately sized enclosure that is unkempt and unhygienic. The baby is chained in atorturous and inhumane manner, causing wounds. The chains are restricting her most basic need to move around freely ― an essential requirement for the well While in Asian culture elephants symbolize wisdom, sacredness and bravery and play a very importantrole taking part in numerous auspicious activities for thousands of years; the desperate plight of captiveelephants living in deplorable conditions in Sri Lanka has been brought to light by world renownedelephant scientists who have been studying their behavioural needs for decades; declaring that usingthese highly intelligent and emotional animals for human purposes is an act no longer acceptable bycivilized human society. As an influential leader among the Buddhist clergy in Sri Lanka, you have the power to change thisdeplorable practice through power of example as evidenced by your proper care of this elephant andthrough influencing animal welfare legislation, monitoring and enforcement. We look forward to yourguidance to ensure that Sri lanka moves forward with the changing ways of thinking of the 21st centuryand provides adequate care for elephants in captivity. It is the right and humane and holy thing to do.I look forward to your response on this matter to (Your Address) ————————————————————————————————————- |
Enviado pela Raquel Santos:
Bom dia Mestre Gostaria de partilhar este vídeo, onde um menino de 10 anos relata como e porquê decide optar pela alimentação não-carnívora. Uma exposição clara, sensível e esclarecedora. Abraço carinhoso Raquel Santos
Olá Mestre, bom dia !!
Quero compartilhar um documentário da Sociedade Mundial de Proteção Animal, interessantíssimo no que diz respeito ao bem estar animal. Com muitas informações atuais, cita entre outras coisas, as práticas de criação animal que estão sendo colocadas em uso na Europa graças a Grande abraço, Rafael Schoenfelder |