sábado, 17 de março de 2012 | Autor:

Once, a famous dancer improvised a few instinctive movements. These movements however were extremely sophisticated, thanks to their virtuosity, and as a result, stunning. This body language was by no means ballet, but had undeniably been inspired by dance.

The breathtaking beauty of this technique moved those who witnessed its expressive nature. They asked the dancer to teach them his art. He did so. In the beginning the method had no name. It was something spontaneous which came from within, and which was echoed only in the hearts of those who had been born with the good fortune of having a more refined sensitivity.
The years went by, and the great dancer managed to impart a large part of his knowledge. Until one day, a long time afterward, the Master passed to the invisible plains. His art on the other hand did not die. The most loyal disciples preserved it intact and assumed the mission of passing it on. The pupils of this new generation understood the importance of also becoming instructors and not to modify or alter any of the teachings of the ingenious first mentor.
At some point in history this art gained the name integrity, integration, union: in Sanskrit: Yôga! Its founder joined the ranks of mythology with the name Shiva and with the title Natarája, king of the dancers. Leia mais »

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010 | Autor:


Não pude deixar de lembrar de você e de compartilhar.

Texto de Ramiro Ros

Se um cachorro fosse professor, você aprenderia coisas assim:

Quando alguém que você ama chega em casa, corra ao seu encontro;
Nunca perca uma oportunidade de ir passear;
Permita-se experimentar o ar fresco do vento no seu rosto;
Mostre aos outros que estão invadindo o seu território;
Tire uma sonequinha no meio do dia e espreguice antes de levantar;
Corra, pule e brinque todos os dias;
Tente se dar bem com o próximo e deixe as pessoas te tocarem;
Não morda quando um simples rosnado resolve a situação;
Em dias quentes, pare e role na grama, beba bastante líquidos e deite debaixo da sombra de uma árvore;
Quando você estiver feliz, dance e balance todo o seu corpo;
Não importa quantas vezes o outro te magoa, não se sinta culpado…volte e faça as pazes novamente;
Aproveite o prazer de uma longa caminhada;
Se alimente com gosto e entusiasmo;
Coma só o suficiente;
Seja leal;
Nunca pretenda ser o que você não é;
E o MAIS importante de tudo….
Quando alguém estiver nervoso ou triste, fique em silêncio, fique por perto e mostre que você está ali para confortar.

Beijinhos da Lê

quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009 | Autor:

London, 30 October 2009

Dear Master,

This letter is to thank all the people who helped me getting the place and building the school. Without them I wouldn’t be writing this letter.

Of course, Master, all of this could not have happened without your baton, without the Heritage you have transmitted me, and which I have the zest to retransmit.

Sonia Ferreira, who is beside me, helping me as a warrior and at the same time shielding me. I owe it to her being capable to continue this project, and without her I would be very unlikely to succeed.

Luciana Gaviao who has made a huge effort to complete her professional course, living in Edimburgh and travelling every month to London. She is now representing our method in Scotland and extending our work in Edimburgh as a partnership.

Suzana Vaz and Paulo Pacifici, the two people that complete our team, and who gave me so much help and support. Thank you for you, guys.

Last but not least, I would specially like to thank a couple who was fundamental for this endeavour, Dr. José Lemos and Dra. Clara Pinho, the facilitators of the whole project. For these extraordinary couple I would like to express my most respectful gratitude.

Simon Pilgrim, Peter Norton and the whole team of Northam Clover: the negotiation team.

Mr. Ivan Favennec, the business advisor from Ad Majorem business consulting.

Mathias Koester from http://mathias-koester.com, the Architect and a brilliant mind who helped me sorting out so many problems and project the Yoga College of London site.

Robert Preece from KENWRIGHT WALKER WYLLIE solicitors.

Michael Reeves, the decorator who helped us with many tricky decisions: http://www.michaelreevesassociates.co.uk. Special thanks for you, Michael and Giorgio!

Ian Woodward-Court, from Plainview Planning Ltd., the company who got us the grant to change the use description of our place.

Márcio Soares Builders and the team from Builder Inc., the guys who actually made the heavy job and built the place, for them our thanks.

For all the planning team of Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, specially for Gideon Whittingham, who gave us the guidance to grant the change of use.

The Buttler and Young agency, Mr. Neil Downding who helped us with all the EEU regulations.

For all this people, I would like give my wholehearted thanks, for the help, dedication, trust, care and great professionalism.

My special thanks to Francisco Miranda, who helped me structuring the financial part of the London School Project. Also involved in this project were Diogo Garrido and Pedro Mar.

And Mrs. Otilia Ferreira, with her powerful sewing machine!

Gustavo Cardoso

De Rose Method United Kingdom representative
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sábado, 14 de março de 2009 | Autor:

Alessandro Martins

Caro DeRose,

encontrei este vídeo em que o músico Sting pratica ásanas e, depois, toca o primeiro movimento da primeira Suíte Para Violoncelo de Bach, ao violão, para que uma bailarina dance.


Imaginei que fosse gostar.

Abraços fortes
do Alessandro.

[Sting sempre praticou Yôga e visitou o Brasil muitas vezes, numa das quais conviveu com os índios do Amazonas. Há uma foto dele com um livro meu ao colo (Faça Yôga antes que você precise), foto essa publicada no livro Quando é Preciso Ser Forte. Daí, entre outros motivos, minha simpatia por ele. DeRose.]