segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011 | Autor:

Cut red meat intake and don’t eat ham, say cancer researchers

World Cancer Research Fund advises people to limit consumption of beef, pork and lamb and avoid processed meat

  • Denis Campbell, health correspondent
  • The Guardian, Monday 23 May 2011
  • Article history
  • Beef
    Eat beef with caution, the World Cancer Research Fund is advising. Photograph: joefoxfoodanddrink/Alamy

    Cancer experts have issued a fresh warning about eating red and processed meat after “the most authoritative report” on the subject blamed them for causing the disease.

    The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) is advising people to limit their intake of red meats such as beef, pork and lamb, and to avoid processed meat such as ham and salami altogether. “Convincing evidence” that both types of meat increase the risk of bowel cancer means people should think seriously about reducing how much they eat, it recommends.

    The charity kickstarted a global debate in 2007 when it published a study which identified meat as a risk factor for a number of different forms of cancer.

    WCRF-funded scientists at Imperial College London led by Dr Teresa Norat studied 263 research papers that have come out since then looking at the role of diet, weight and physical activity in bowel cancer. An independent panel of leading cancer experts then reviewed their conclusions. “For red and processed meat, findings of 10 new studies were added to the 14 analysed as part of the 2007 report. The panel confirmed that there is convincing evidence that both red and processed meat increase bowel cancer risk,” said the report .

    “WCRF recommends that people limit consumption to 500g (cooked weight) of red meat a week – roughly the equivalent of five or six medium portions of roast beef, lamb or pork – and avoid processed meat,” it added. About 36,000 Britons a develop bowel cancer every year, and some 16,500 die from it. It is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer after lung cancer.

    About 17,000 cases a year (43%) could be prevented if people ate less meat and more fibre, drank less, maintained a healthy weight and kept active, the WCRF says.

    Its 850-page report, releasedon Monday, is “the most authoritative ever report of bowel cancer risk”, cancer prevention experts claim.Professor Alan Jackson of Southampton University, the chair of the WCRF’s continuous update project expert panel, said: “On meat, the clear message that comes out of our report is that red and processed meat increase risk of bowel cancer and that people who want to reduce their risk should consider cutting down the amount they eat.”

    Growing concern about red and processed meat prompted the government in February to advise consumers for the first time to consider cutting down. That came after the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), experts who advise the government, examined the evidence on the subject. It decided that those meats probably increase the risk of bowel cancer.

    People who eat 90g or more a day should cut down to the UK average of 70g, SACN recommended. It advised having smaller portions or eating those meats less often. A 70g serving could be three slices of ham, a lamb chop or two standard beef burgers.

    WCRF’s review has also firmed up from “probable” to “convincing” its view of the protection against bowel cancer afforded by eating foods containing fibre, such as wholegrains, pulses, fruit and vegetables.

    Milk, garlic and dietary supplements containing calcium also “probably” reduce the risk, the expert panel concluded.

    But farmers’ leaders denounced the WCRF’s new report and accused it of deliberately choosing the first day of National Vegetarian Week to publish it in order to maximise publicity for conclusions which the charity first reached years ago.

    Chris Lamb, a spokesman for BPEX and EBLEX, which represents England’s pig, beef and lamb farmers, said: “Average consumption has been in or around 500g a week for a few years. The vast majority of consumers aren’t exceeding this and don’t have to worry about [this]”, he said.

    The risks identified by the WCRF were unchanged, he stressed.

    Lamb argued it was unfair for the WCRF to highlight meat as a contributory cause of bowel cancer when the main risk was to people who are generally unhealthy, for example by consuming too much food, alcohol or fizzy drink.

    “They aren’t assisting consumers. Consumers eat and enjoy meat as part of a balanced diet, and meat plays a valuable part in that balanced diet”, said Lamb. “If you eat or drink anything in excess it’s a danger. Therefore, if you can pick on meat in order to get headlines, then you aren’t actually helping consumers.”

    Professor Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer for England, said red meat can form part of a healthy, balanced diet. “It is a good source of protein and vitamins and minerals, such as iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins,” she said, “but people who eat a lot of red and processed meat should consider cutting down. The occasional steak or extra few slices of lamb is fine but regularly eating a lot could increase your risk of bowel cancer.”

    Bowel Cancer UK chief executive Deborah Alsina said: “The report significantly adds to the available evidence into the increased risk of bowel cancer from eating too much red and processed meat; and strengthens the evidence of how eating food with fibre in it protects people against the disease.

    Hazel Nunn, a senior health information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: “With barbeque season just round the corner, this is a timely reminder that how much alcohol you drink, how active you are, your weight, and how much red and processed meat and fibre you eat can all have a bearing on your risk of bowel cancer.”

    • Growing numbers of lung cancer patients are having life-saving operations thanks to advances in surgical techniques. The proportion of patients with the disease who undergo surgery has risen from one in 11 in 2005 to one in seven last year, according to a study by the NHS Information Centre. Lung cancer kills more people than any other form of cancer.

    sábado, 4 de junho de 2011 | Autor:

    Oi Mestre, estou adorando a aula de hoje!

    Segue o link para assistirmos a participação do nosso colega Marcelo Tessari de New York no programa caldeirão do Huck. Ele entra aos 8h55.

    Nos vemos neste final de semana, estou levando minha equipe e os novos monitorados para SP

    Beijinhos e até sexta!


    Belo Horizonte/MG,,GIM1515318-7822-HUCK+ENTREVISTA+BRASILEIROS+EM+NOVA+IORQUE,00.html


    Olá Mestre,

    Encaminho o link para a entrevista com o Instrutor Marcelo Tessari, que passou dia 21 de maio de 2011 no Caldeirão do Huck.
    É uma matéria longa, porém a entrevista com ele começa aos 9 minutos.

    Um abraço apertado e um beijo estalado…

    Ana Paula Matta – Unidade Alphaville


    Olá Mestre
    Só passei para dizer que adorei a aula de hoje.
    Acabei acessando o site da globo para assistir o Marcelo no programa Caldeirão do Hulk. Segue o link para que você possa assistir:

    Beijos e mais beijos.
    Gisele Correa
    Unidade Paes de Barros – SP – Brasil


    Querido Mestre,

    Segue o link da entrevista feita em NYC dada pelo Marcelo Tessari no programa Caldeirão do Huck:,,GIM1515318-7822-HUCK+ENTREVISTA+BRASILEIROS+EM+NOVA+IORQUE,00.html

    Beijos e saudades

    Cristina Ribeiro



    Aqui vai o link do programa do Caldeirão do Hulk:

    A entrevista com o Marcelo está por volta do minuto nove.


    [ Reply ]

    Obrigado, amigos.

    Foi bom para que todos aprendêssemos. A explicação do Marcelo precisava ser mais clara, rápida e convincente.

    À pergunta: “É ióga?”

    Temos que responder: “É outra coisa. Método DeRose é outra coisa.”

    Depois podemos explicar. Mas primeiro temos que deixar bem claro que é MÉTODO DeROSE É OUTRA COISA.


    Parabéns, Marcelo e Marisol, pela iniciativa. Mesmo com a confusão da palavra mágica, foi muito bom para todos nós. Ficamos muito orgulhosos de ver nosso colega, mais bonito que nunca, falando muito bem e executando as técnicas impecavelmente. Aos brasileiros, sua aparição com o nome do nosso Método no programa do Luciano Huck foi mais efetiva do que a distribuição de milhões de flyers; e aos zoosimilares que sentem inveja do nosso trabalho foi um soco no estômago. Muito bom. Na próxima, já sabe:

    “É ióga?”

    “Método DeRose é outra coisa.”  Depois, explica. 

    Parabéns e um abração de todos nós que torcemos por vocês!


    sábado, 28 de maio de 2011 | Autor:

    Fernanda Neis

    Olha só a matéria que saiu citando nosso trabalho, na Time Out New York, uma das revistas mais badaladas do mundo.
    O melhor de tudo, não citou a palavra Yôga uma única vez!
    Parabéns ao Marcelo pela sua capacidade de realização!


    Kleber Lopes

    Tb fiquei mto orgulhoso e compartilhei a matéria com uma amiga de faculdade que mora em NY, que ficou entusiasmada e irá conhecer o Método DeROSE.


    Boa, Kleber. Isso é que é ação efetiva! Valeu.

    Vamos todos seguir o exemplo do Kleber. Quem tiver algum conhecido em New York, compartilhe com ele a notícia.


    Marcelo Tessari
    [email protected]

    Oi Mestrão, olá amigos,
    Estamos avançando a passos firmes em NY.
    A Unidade SoHo está de portas abertas aos amigos.
    Marcelo Tessari, NY

    Leia mais »

    quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011 | Autor:

    Se você tem como nos proporcionar esse sêvá, vai contribuir decisivamente para a difusão do Método em todo o mundo. Mas é preciso que o tradutor seja nativo da Inglaterra ou dos Estados Unidos e que compreenda a língua portuguesa bastante bem. Em hipótese alguma pode ser de outra nacionalidade, ainda que tenha sido educado naqueles países ou que traduza muito bem. É requisito, ainda, que o tradutor possua um vocabulário no inglês que corresponda ao patamar linguístico utilizado em português.

    Eu me proponho a auxiliar em tudo o que puder, já que este autor ainda está vivo e conhece o idioma inglês – mas, obviamente, não o suficiente para realizar uma tradução com o nível de impecabilidade que se faz necessário.

    Desde já, agradecemos, todos nós, instrutores e alunos do UK, USA e de todo o mundo.

    segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2011 | Autor:

    Dear Professor DeRose, I would like to share with you and our family the video with the pictures of our fantastic DeRose Culture Hawai’i 2011.
    It’s a privilege to be with you specially during these moments.Thank you for the workshop, it was just fantastic.



    It seems that the other video is not playing properly due to its soundtrack, so I edited with a mantra from Sankalpa. Hope this one to work better.
    (Parece que o outro vídeo não está tocando devido à trilha sonora escolhida, então editei com um mantra do Sankalpa. Espero que este funcione.)
    Instructor Rob LanghammerDeRose Method SoHoNew York