terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011 | Autor:

Dear DeRose,

We are proud that one important magazine made another article about DeRose Method London.
I want to share this with our readers, sorry for my short text but I am packing up the luggage to our workshop in London!

And here is the front page!

Gustavo Cardoso
Director of DeRose Method London Representative

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011 | Autor:

Author: Gustavo Cardoso

When you are in the practice room facing your DeRose Method instructor you probably do not realize the amount of time and effort they have invested to arrive where they are now.

They all started exactly like you, sitting in the practice room, enjoying what they were doing. In my case, when I was a student I could not think of anything but the next class with my instructor Prof. Leticia Ziebell, today living in Portugal.

When I decided to become an instructor the training was less formal than it is today. More akin to that of the Indian monasteries, where all the knowledge comes from the Master and it is up to the disciple to accept it or not. In the Indian vision of the discipleship, if the disciple does not agree with what is being taught he is entitled to leave, but never to question, ask why, or refuse to do what the Master has prescribed.

Today, in order for a candidate to start their training they must pass an examination in front of a jury of three members. If they are approved at this stage, they will carry on to take a test on general knowledge.

Having passed this, the first stage of the training involves extensive reading covering subjects such as philosophy, asana, pránáyáma, history and the genealogy of the million year old philosophy that constitutes the Method. In this stage the instructor must write essays about various subjects as well as produce a final thesis on a topic of their choice that is, of course, related to our philosophy and coherent with its roots. This is just the theoretical side!

At the same time the instructor must be working on the physical and practical aspects of the training. They must create their own three to five minute choreography, respecting a series of technical facets such as didactic angles and the execution of the exercises among many others. The instructor must memorise the name of over 2000 ásanas, 108 mudrás, 54 breathing exercises, among other techniques, as well as knowing how to execute them all in perfection. Their knowledge of the ásanas for example, is tested through an ásanas draw. The instructor must be able to execute to perfection any of the randomly chosen ásanas.

In order to become an instructor, the candidate must finally assemble a complete class within exactly twenty minutes filled with theory, eight parts, a choreographic sequence, and the many details it implies, failing to present within this time limit has severe penalty.

Both the theoretical and practical aspects however are worthless if the candidate does not show that they value and respect the tradition in which the Method is rooted and its vast family, the egregora of the method.

Such respect is evaluated through the candidates attitudes toward their instructors in various scenarios where they are required to surpass themselves. It is under difficult or even extreme situations that one’s true value is exposed. For this reason, sometimes the teacher must play a role generating stress. A very common phrase we know is, “only when we hit strongly a bell can we see the quality of its metal”.

Finally, the candidate is examined at one of the Federations of the DeRose Method, by a jury of three more experienced instructors who will evaluate everything the candidate has learned as well as their attitude.

Our goal is to train the instructor sitting in front of you to have deep philosophical, practical and theoretical knowledge as very few do, after completing an intensive one year training followed by four years under the tutorship of a more experienced DeRose Method instructor.

In a world that every day brings things forward in an increasingly quicker way, I would not hesitate to state that the instructors trained by this school are oceans away from this tradition. This is why when I sign the authorisation form for any instructors trained by me, I am sure that they will be approved by the examination jury. Their readiness becomes apparent and can be clearly felt during their classes, in a philosophical discussion or even in their behaviour, ethically beyond reproach, since any fault will result in a notice and any repeated fault in irrevocable expulsion.

For these reasons we are proud of what we do and we do not have reservations when station the following: When you are in the practice room or in the changing room, at the DeRose Method school, you are with the finest professionals you could have before you.

All the best. Join me next week
Text originally published at DeRose Method London

segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011 | Autor:

Dearest students,

We have a few invitations for you!

This Sunday, 3th April, we will have a special longer class (1 hour and half) at 12pm. It’s going to be a very cool open class, which means you can invite anyone you wish (free of charge!) Please send us an email in advanced though with your name and your guest/s so we can reserve your spot.

Second invitation: Professor DeRose is coming to London and will be giving various workshops. We wanted to invite all of our students to one in particular, to the “Chat with Professor DeRose”. This event will take place on the 8th of April at 7:00pm, and it will be a great opportunity for you to learn more about our method and about the man who codified this system.

Open Classes At Hyde Park!

And now, for something completely different. We wanted to share some great news with you. Will be hosting open classes at Hyde Park every Sunday at 12pm from the 17th of April until the end of summer. Everyone will be welcomed to join these classes, so invite your friends! We will email you with more information on the exact location closer to the date.

I look forward to seeing you participating in our activities.

All the best from all DeRose Method team,

D e R o s e M e t h o d L o n d o n

sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2011 | Autor:

Royal Parks Activities

We are trilled to announce that the DeRose Method London School is starting activities in one of the most important of the Royal Parks, the famous Hyde Park.
The park belongs to the Royalty and was where very important scenes were filmed for films such as: Around the World in Eighty Days, Johnny English, Stormbreaker, Finding Neverland and many others.
We are very happy that we got this, after years trying and after we moved a few rocks from our path here we are!
I took the freedom to send you a copy of the confirmation letter.
We hope you you like,
Warmest regards

From yours,
Gustavo and Team.

terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011 | Autor:

Querido Mestre,

E com grande entusiasmo que venho mostrar-te a matéria que acabou de sair no Evening Standard, um dos jornais de maior circulação no Reino Unido.

Tem um bom impacto e uma certa credibilidade junto ao publico. Este jornal fica a disposição no metro, todos os dias a partir das 2 da tarde e tem uma tiragem de 715 000 copias por dia.

E o nome do Método DeRose, DeRose Method sendo lido por mais de 1 500 000 mentes, segundo dados da nossa PR, a nossa querida Valentina!

Apesar de eu ter insistido para a reporter não utilizar a palavra magica e também não publicar fotos fora de angulo, mas neste tipo de coisas ficamos de mãos atadas.

Eu gostei do resultado, bem como todo mundo a nossa volta, espero que tu e os leitores do blog gostem também.

Aqui vão os links para a home e para a reportagem, mais uma imagem scaneada.



Com carinho do sempre teu amigo e discípulo,
Gustavo e todo o time da escola de Londres.


Clique na imagem para ampliá-la.

Aqui vão os links para download em alta definição, mais o PDF do website:




Se você for utilizar esta matéria para replicá-la na Imprensa da sua cidade, por favor, observe o seguinte:

Tenho a certeza de que o nosso pessoal não mencionou “better sleep”, nem “cardiovascular problems”  (or any kind of problems). Por outro lado, tenho a convicção de que mencionaram os conceitos: boas relações humanas, boa cultura, boa alimentação, boas maneiras etc., mas essas menções foram eclipsadas pelo impacto das técnicas. Afinal, os conceitos são abstratos e as técnicas são concretas! Isso nos mostra o quanto precisamos estar bem preparados para enfatizar os conceitos, caso contrário eles passam desapercebidos e a descrição do que fazemos fica com cara de academia, o que não somos. De qualquer forma, a matéria está ótima, excelente mesmo. Fiquei muito satisfeito. Parabéns ao Gus e a todos os responsáveis por essa importante presença na mídia inglesa. Hoje, vou dormir feliz! (Ah! O better sleep deve ser isso…) DeRose.

segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011 | Autor:
  • Haverá poucas músicas tão boas quanto esta. Na sua versão original são quase 18 minutos de êxtase.
    Deixem-se levar pela arte da sonoridade.


  • terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011 | Autor:

    Oi De, essa foto foi tirada há uns dois anos atrás. Foi exatamente neste dia que conheci o boi e sua família. Eles estavam no quintal de minha casa de praia. Não sabíamos se eram mansos ou não, pois pertencem a um pescador que invadiu o terreno. Assim, eu o Serginho resolvemos sentar perto deles e fazer amizade. Nandi, foi o nome que demos naquele dia. Também tinha a Parvatí e a Láskshmí.

    Bjs Regina Wiese Zarling

    Clique na foto para ampliá-la.


    Que foto linda, Regina! Na Índia, conseguimos fotos assim, mas no Brasil os bois costumam fugir dos seres “humanos”. Esse aí deve ter sentido o seu olor agradável de quem não come carne e percebeu que não havia perigo em ficar do seu lado. Merece um poster. Beijinho.