
 Trocando as voltas ao Stress!

Vivemos tempos diferentes. Tempos que comportam mudanças e que para muitos são sinónimo de instabilidade e stress. Ou talvez de oportunidade. Para mergulhar fundo e

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Rotinas Saudáveis

Neste artigo, vamos explorar a importância das rotinas saudáveis, como construí-las e os benefícios transformadores que elas podem trazer  a todos os aspectos da vida.

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shallow focus photography of crowd taking video

Style and Influences

Every artist, whether they be a painter, musician, architect, actor, writer or poet, aspires to develop their own authentic, unique way of expressing their talent. Until they

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selective focus photography of jolly woman using peace hand gesture

To Be Happy or to Be Right

Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right? – as the popular saying goes. Every time we establish some sort of communication,

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lighted kerosene lantern -

An Appeal to your Lucidity

Today, the word meditation tends to awaken expectations, especially in big urban centres, where the accelerated rhythm of life generates ever-increasing stress, and, among

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