Professor DeRose
Over 60 years of teaching
DeRose is recipient of the titles Professor and Doctor Honoris Causa from the Florianópolis Faculty of Social Sciences, Santa Catarina Complex for Higher Education. He has been awarded the title of Notório Saber by the University of Coimbra and the Integrated Faculties of Coração de Jesus (São Paulo, Brazil) and FATEA – Teresa d’Ávila Integrated Faculties (São Paulo, Brazil). He has been granted the rank of Gentlemen, Official, Knight Commander and Knight of the Grand Cross by various military, governmental, humanitarian, cultural and philanthropic institutions, including: Red Cross Cross of Merit. Titled Knight Commander by the Secretariat of Education for the State of São Paulo, MMDC Center, Caetano de Campos. Titled Knight Commander and Knight of the Grand Cross by the Order of Pharmaceutical Merit of the Brazilian Army. Titled Knight Commander and Knight of the Grand Cross by the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.

More information
For more information, consult DeRose’s Autobiography, My Many Lives, Égregora Books.