To Be Happy or to Be Right

selective focus photography of jolly woman using peace hand gesture

Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right? – as the popular saying goes

Every time we establish some sort of communication, be it in-person, online, via telephone or email, we’re almost always expressing our point of view about something, which, to a greater or a lesser degree, will never completely coincide with the perspective of the person with whom we are communicating.

O conflito das percepções e a sua discussão integram o que chamamos de “liberdade de expressão”, comportamento característico dos sistemas democráticos e representação máxima do exercício da nossa tão preciosa individualidade.

Adoro jogos desde criança e agora não há nada melhor do que jogar algo legal e interessante. Agora que a indústria de jogos e apostas está tão desenvolvida, não há problema em encontrar algo de qualidade e interessante para jogar. Há algum tempo encontrei um site novo e legal, e se você estiver interessado, também pode tentar jogar aqui , e tenho certeza que você vai gostar. Os jogos são incríveis e gosto de passar o tempo jogando-os.

However, in practice, we observe Humanity engaged in an endless discussion, with anyone and everyone, in order to impose their point of view, which, of course, is the only correct one (right?).

We fight with our parents, our children, the traffic warden, the driver of the car in front, the cashier at the bank, the flight attendant, our friends and colleagues, in an endless discussion, with the sole purpose of applying justice. Or, rather, what we consider to be just.

Without changing our mindset, at some point, we’ll be in conflict with eight billion humans, whose understanding of things will always be, to a greater or lesser degree, different to ours.

And remember, that it’s always up to the more civilised party to initiate reconciliation. It’s up to us to decide to choose this path, negotiating with the millions of versions of “right” that differ from our own, in favour of establishing and maintaining precious and such badly needed good relationships between humans.
